Does Vehicle Insurance Cover Scratches and Dents?


There are six million car accidents in the US each year and the number of minor accidents is substantially greater. Regardless of how cautious you are, minor mishaps still occur. Whether a shopping cart collided with your car in the supermarket parking lot or you accidently scratched the car, you should get this fixed to avoid further damage.

You might be wondering if auto insurance covers dents and scratches. The answer is trickier than you would think. Your cause and your auto insurance will determine this.


It can cost hundreds of dollars to repair any type of damage, and you might not have the money to do it right away. This page has all the information you need to compare auto insurance, get coverage for dents and scratches, and more.

Which forms of scratches and dents are covered by automobile insurance?

• A rock chips the windshield: One of the most frequent types of damage to a car is a rock chip. Most windshields eventually get struck by a pebble or stone, which could result in a slight chip or crack. Even a modest impediment can be problematic if it hinders the driver’s line of sight and creates glare on the glass.

• Tiny cracks are easy to repair: If you live far from a city, the first thing you should do is cover the crack with some clear plastic tape to keep out material like bird droppings, dirt, and dust that can later obstruct the repair. then immediately attend to the crack.


• Significant body scratches on the car: For a car fanatic like us, car scratches are really upsetting. No one who cares about their car can bear how dreary it appears in our car. We must have a thorough understanding of the many types of scratches that could happen on our car before we can discuss how to fix them.

• Car dent: Little dents and dings can detract from a vehicle’s aesthetic appeal. Whether caused by a shopping cart, another car’s door, or a baseball thrown by a nearby child, dents must be removed as quickly as possible to help maintain the value of the automobile overall. If there is no significant paint damage, there are several methods for fixing a small ding in an automobile.

• Your vehicle is keyed: Some people may be envious of or express their rage at your car. If your insurance coverage includes this protection for acts of vandalism, you may file a claim. If the metallic paint would cost you a lot of money to fix, you can consider whether auto insurance covers paint damage.

When do dents and scratches not qualify for coverage under auto insurance?

• If neither collision nor comprehensive insurance is present: If you only have the minimum liability insurance that your state mandates, you do not have coverage for auto damage. Liability covers the other driver’s medical costs as well as any vehicle damage in an accident you caused.

• If the damage is a consequence of normal wear and tear: No matter how carefully you drive, your car will eventually get a dent. Usually, your policy won’t cover these.

• If your negligence resulted in the scratch or dent: Your insurance is likely to refuse any claims you make for damage that arises if, for instance, you become furious after noticing a ticket on your window and kick your car, causing a dent.

• If you breached your policy: For instance, if you drove into Mexico for a weekend getaway and the damage occurred there, you would be liable for paying for repairs unless you acquired Mexico-specific insurance because Mexico does not take U.S. plans.

Can I file an insurance claim for automobile scratches?

It varies. Auto insurance only covers dents and scratches caused by other drivers. But, comprehensive coverage might cover dents and scratches that are not the consequence of an accident.

Someone who damages your automobile may be able to collect costs via their liability auto insurance. You can use your collision auto insurance to pay for the repairs if you have it.

Losses not caused by collisions are covered by comprehensive auto insurance. Hence, your comprehensive coverage will pay for any damage caused by a storm or a falling object.

Collision and comprehensive insurance both have deductibles. You must pay your deductible, which is often $500, before the auto insurance provider will cover any losses.

Is it worth submitting a car insurance claim for damage or scratch?

Always examine whether the damage warrants making a claim or whether it would be smarter to postpone action until after another claim-free year. Several minor auto-related issues, such as scratches, door and bumper dents, and other damage caused by inevitable natural disasters or minor motor accidents, can be fixed affordably.

A little polish can fully conceal a fault if it merely affects the clear layer on the surface. On the other hand, painting is the only method that can cover a deep scrape. Of course, you may practice your painting techniques with the nearest complementary nail polish you have at home, but it would be a better idea to take it to the nearest garage.

When should I file a car insurance claim for dents and scratches?

Regrettably, there isn’t a precise formula that can determine whether or not you should make a car insurance claim. Why did you decide to purchase auto insurance before making a claim? If you assumed it was for dent repair, file a claim. You should rethink your option if you purchased the plan in order to be protected against the prohibitive, crushing expenses of accidents and other catastrophic occurrences.

How can I make a car insurance claim for dents and scratches?

Submit a car ding insurance claim: The first thing you should do if your automobile has a ding is notified your insurance company and register a claim. To achieve the most effects, it must be done as soon as feasible.

Get the claim registration number. You must use this number in all subsequent correspondence with the insurer regarding the handling and processing of your car-dent insurance claim. It acts as a unique identifier for tracking until a claim is resolved.

Surveyor visit: Refrain from touching or rearranging the vehicle until the insurer’s inspection is complete. The surveyor will record the vital data by taking pictures and videos in order to forward the claim. To help the surveyor understand, you might describe the accident’s cause and how it got to be a dent.

Garage appointment: After reviewing the surveyor’s report, the insurance will advise you to take your automobile to the garage. With your insurance for vehicle damage repair, you can choose between one of them or a different shop.

Resolve the claim: After the repair work is finished, the insurer will settle the claim after checking the paperwork and closely examining the dent repair. They can either pay the garage directly or reimburse for work done elsewhere to accomplish this.


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